Lower body lift is a surgical procedure designed to remove excess skin from the outer thighs and buttocks. It is a procedure that commonly is performed in patients who have lost a large amount of weight and have loose sagging skin. This procedure can dramatically tighten the loose skin on the outer thighs and buttocks.
When to consider a Lower Body Lift
- If there was a dramatic weight loss due to bariatric surgery or dieting
- If there are relatively thin layers of fat below the skin in the hip, thigh, abdomen and buttock areas.
- If overhanging skin in the lower body restricts mobility and/or causes painful chafing, rashes or infection
- If sagging skin in the lower body causes distress
- If the patient’s self-confidence would improve from such a procedure
Benefits of getting Lower Body Lift
- Loose skin will be removed and the body’s contour sculpted, so the patient can see the results of their weight loss
- Patients will experience the improved self-esteem that comes from looking better
- They will get rid of overhanging skin that may cause painful chafing, rashes and infections
Lower body lift may be performed on its own, or combined with other surgeries such as abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), upper arm or breast lift.
Before Lower Body Lift Procedure
The plastic surgeon will perform a comprehensive evaluation of the patient’s lower body including any scars from previous surgeries.
The plastic surgeon will give specific guidelines about preparing for surgery including;
- Smoking cessation
- Medications to avoid
- When to take the prescribed medications
- Proper washing techniques
- Restrictions regarding eating and drinking the night before surgery
The length and position of the scar on the thighs and buttocks can vary, depending on whether the excess tissue is based high above the buttocks or low around the saddlebags.
The Procedure
A complete lower body lift, also called a belt lipectomy, has the advantage of treating the buttocks, abdomen, waist, hips and thighs in one procedure and is often a part of a mommy makeover.
Basically, the lower body lift extends the tummy tuck incision completely around the lower torso, which allows the surgeon to lift or resuspend the thighs and tighten the buttocks as well as to execute the traditional tummy tuck.
The length and pattern of incisions depend on how much extra skin is removed and where that skin is located.
The typical scenario for performing a lower body lift is as follows, although the surgeon may use a variation;
- The surgeon will create a circumferential incision extending around the torso, through which they will remove an apron of excess skin and fat below the incision and reposition and tighten the tissues.
- The remaining skin in the buttocks and thighs will be pulled upward and the skin and underlying tissues will be suspended and tightened. The patient will be positioned on their tummy or side during this part of the procedure.
- Once the patient’s back and sides have been addressed, they will be positioned on their back so the surgeon can treat their front side
- At this point, two options are available, which will be discussed with the patient preoperatively. One option is to combine the lower body lift with abdominal contouring, otherwise known as a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty). The other option is to combine the lower body lift with an inner thigh lift, if the abdomen does not require contouring or if the patient already had a tummy tuck.
- The incisions will be closed in multiple layers over drains to control stretching and swelling. Deep support sutures within the underlying tissues help to form the newly shaped contours. sutures , skin adhesives or tapes are used to close the incision.
Recovery After the Surgery
In most cases, patients may experience pain in the thighs and buttocks for the first two or three days. Compressive wraps are placed on the legs.
Most patients will be able to go out in public in four to five days but vigorous physical activity is limited for four weeks following surgery.
What We Offer
We at Almurshidi Medical Tourism will find the best doctors to cater to your needs. We are partnered with a wide network of hospitals and clinics that provide top quality medical experience.
We provide free medical estimates, make medical appointments, and provide several medical opinions if needed at no cost.
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