Using your own fat to naturally augment and shape your butt!
A Brazilian butt lift is a popular cosmetic procedure that involves the transfer of fat to help create more fullness in your backside.
If you’ve heard of a Brazilian butt lift and are curious about more permanent results than exercise alone, read more about the procedure and how to find a reputable provider to make sure it’s done safely.
A Brazilian butt lift consists of fat grafting that is notable for its natural-looking results. The procedure involves the following steps:
- The procedure is usually performed under anesthesia. You may ask for an anti-nausea medication beforehand, especially if anesthesia makes you sick.
- Your surgeon then uses liposuction to remove fat from other areas of your body, such as your hips, stomach, and thighs. Liposuction itself involves making incisions in the skin, and then using a tube to remove fat from the body.
- The fat stores that have just been removed from your body are purified and readied for injection into your buttocks.
- Your surgeon finishes by injecting the processed fat into specific areas of the buttocks to create a more rounded, full look. They make three to five incisions around the buttocks for fat transfers.
- Both liposuction and fat transfer incisions are closed up with stitches. Your surgeon then applies a compression garment against the affected areas of skin to minimize your risk of bleeding.
Brazilian butt lift is touted for providing more natural-looking results while also creating more roundness in your backside.
It can also help address certain issues, such as the sagging and shapelessness that sometimes occur with age.
You might also consider the procedure if you’re bothered by figure imbalances that make it difficult to wear clothing comfortably.
Another benefit to Brazilian butt lifts is that there is a lower risk of infection compared to silicone buttock implants.
It’s always a good idea to check with a cosmetic surgeon before considering a Brazilian butt lift. They might give you the go-ahead if you:
- lost your natural shape due to age or weight fluctuations
- don’t feel comfortable in your clothes
- have enough fat stores in your hips and other areas for grafting
- are at a healthy weight
- haven’t had any recent infections or complications related to surgery
For proper evaluation and assessment contact us: almurshidi.medical@gmail.com or line/instagram: almurshidiMED or whats app: +66 822 004 040.