Lengthen the inner parts of the eye to make the eye bigger!

EPICANTHOPLASTY EYE SURGERY in BANGKOK, THAILAND can elongate the eyes horizontally to make them look big and wide. It releases and corrects an epicanthal or Mongolian fold, which is located either on the inner or outer corner of the eyes. This procedure is often recommended in conjunction with double eyelid surgery for optimal results.


  1. Medial Epicanthoplasty
    This surgery reshapes the inner corners of the eyes to make the eyes appear bigger and brighter. It is recommended for people who have the medial epicanthus (Mongolian fold). This surgery can “redrape” the skin into a desirable shape or slant by cutting or removing it, and sutures are hidden along the new corners of the eyes.

2. Lateral Epicanthoplasty
This surgery reshapes the outer or lateral corners of the eyes to make the eyes appear bigger and longer horizontally by reshaping the lateral epicanthus. Both the shape and angle of the eye can be corrected through this surgery.

3. Lateral Epicanthoplasty with Eye Corner Lowering Surgery
This combination of surgery reshapes the outer corners of the eyes and changes their angle at the same time. It is recommended for people who have significantly slanted eyes and suffer from a fierce or strong image. The outer corners will be extended both horizontally and vertically. The results give gentle, soft-looking eyes.

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email: almurshidi.medical@gmil.com
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