Younger and better-looking Skin!
Replace, Regrow, Rejuvenate and Repair the skin at a cellular level.
Stem cell Anti-Aging Therapy fight wrinkles and improve skin turnover and overall appearance.
Stem cells have the potential to repair skin cells, and they also protect your skin from external factors and create a more youthful look. They go into the skin’s cellular level, and they are able to deliver moisture and reparative agents to where they need to go.
PRP stem cell rejuvenation therapy is a revolutionary method in which the doctor uses a minimal amount of your own blood to rejuvenate the skin. The doctor takes key cells and proteins, which are found in the blood and by re-injection into your skin, stimulates regeneration of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Part of the blood, after which the method is named, is PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) or plasma rich in platelets. This process naturally increases regeneration and recovery of tissue on the face, thus reducing wrinkles and improving facial skin tonus. In the PRP addition to platelets are growth factors and your stem cells, which further stimulate the renewal process. Because your own blood is used during this treatment, there is no entering of synthetic substances, and there is no possibility of any side effects. The treatment is completely non-toxic, hypoallergenic and requires no recovery time.
- Reducing glabella lines or wrinkles between the eyebrows
- Reducing frown wrinkles
- Improving the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes
- Reduction of nasolabial wrinkles
- Reducing laugh wrinkles
- Treatment of acne scars
- Reduction of wrinkles around the mouth
- Rejuvenation of skin on the hands and other parts of the body
- Encouraging the growth of hair on the scalp
Your cells are then injected into the skin where it is relaxed and/or into wrinkles. Injection is done in a way which uses small needles that are similar to those we use during injection of derma fillers and mesotherapy. Depending on the effect that we want to achieve, plasma is injected superficially or deeply. Stings are not painful, except around the mouth and on that field, if desired, local anesthesia may be applied. The first results are visible already after the first treatment, but it is recommended to do three treatments at / of 6 weeks. The process, if desired, may be repeated for 12 months.
For inquiries contact us now!
email: almurshidi.medical@gmail.com
line/instagram: almurshidimed
whats app: +66 822 004 040