Teeth whitening is the process of bleaching your teeth to make them lighter. The procedure lightens your existing teeth by several shades.
Whiter, brighter smile is an advantage, it can help you feel better about yourself and make a memorable impression. In just over an hour your teeth will be noticeably whiter. This is ideal for anyone looking for immediate results and will lighten your teeth an average of 6 to 8 shades from your natural color in just over an hour.
- In-office Whitening is a safe, fast and non-invasive dental treatment completed within one visit with your dentist in just over an hour.
The benefits of in-office whitening treatment done by a professional dentist at the dental clinic :
- your teeth are checked to ensure you are suited for teeth whitening without contra-indications by dental professional
- fast and instant results after treatment
- little or no discomfort as treatment is completed in one visit at the dental clinic
2. An alternative to in-office teeth whitening is Home Bleaching Kit.
Benefits of Home Bleaching Kit:
- done at the privacy of your home
- able to touch up and use kit at anytime to your convenience
Dental clinics offer customized whitening trays along with your take home bleaching kit. Take home whitening brands selected at dental clinics are checked on licensing on safety for use and sale as well as for genuineness.
To maximise results and maintain a whitened teeth, post care instructions for teeth whitening include:
- avoid consuming coffee, tea, red wine
- avoid smoking and tobacco for at least 2 hours or more after treatment until pellicle reforms
- clean and brush teeth as per normal maintain good oral hygiene
- maintain results with home bleaching kit (if opted)
For inquiries contact us now!
email: almurshidi.medical@gmail.com
line/instagram: almurshidiMED
whats app: +66 822 004 040