Most of the foreign nationals are seeking medical treatment in Thailand. Common to them are looking for a best physical rehabilitation center which they cannot find in their own country.
Almurshidi Medical Agency offers you the best doctors and hospitals, providing the best care that the patients are longing for.
Why choose Almurshidi Medical Agency for physical rehabilitation?
Almurshidi Medical Agency is partner of one of the best hospitals in Thailand which is providing a physiotherapy with advance robotic-assisted rehabilitation programs. This hospital is equipped by a highly skilled and experienced physical medicine and rehabilitation doctors, physiotherapist, and occupational therapist.
Benefits of Physical Therapy
Patients who suffered from injuries to legs muscle, hips, knees, or feet are often urging to return on their physical activities but this cannot be possible if one is not willing to forgo physical therapy.
Other benefits of physical therapy include:
- Balance Rehabilitation – During the recovery stage of the patient, he will lose balance due to unequal strength of the legs which is why this hospital in Thailand used advance machines such as Leg Press Machine, Hip Strengthening Machine, and Biometrics Balance Machine to expedite the recovery of the patient.
- Gait Rehabilitation – The same with the balance, your gait is important to your heath and this hospital provide LiteGait Machine which helps the patients gradually recover to their normal walking pattern.
Can I travel to Thailand for my Physical Therapy?
Yes, you can visit the Kingdom anytime and Almurshidi Medical Agency is here to assist you!
For more information and inquiries, please contact us:
Call : +66822004040
Whatsapp : https://wa.me/66822004040