Aimed to provide excellent healthcare services, met demands of the growing number of patients.
Thonburi Bamrungmuang Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand, internationally accepted as evidenced by the Hospital Accreditation (HA) by the Healthcare Accreditation Institute (Public Organization) which recognized the group’s efficient operation process that results in high quality service and safety.
This institution is a center for medical specialists on various fields who regularly undergo trainings and upgrades of related knowledge and technologies, thus, enabling them to provide efficient services with the latest and most sophisticated equipment.
With the latest technology and advanced medical equipment, along with a team of first-rate doctors and specialists, Thonburi Bamrungmuang Hospital delivers a state-of-an-art Diagnostic Program and fully personalized treatment designed to best fit for each individual’s needs.
Vision is To be Thailand’s leader in personalized healthcare & bringing you the finest health services embracing excellent international standards.
Committed to providing the highest medical services with dedication, ethics & international standard while always putting our customer first.
For medical inquiries contact us now!
email: almurshidi.medical@gmail.com
line/instagram: almurshidimed
whatsapp: +66 822 004 040