In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is one of the best solutions for a couple who has difficulties in conceiving.
Nowadays, many married couples are experiencing difficulty to have their own babies due to infertility.
Some of the factors affecting their infertilities are:
- their age,
- damaged of blocked fallopian tube,
- presence of polycystic ovarian syndrome,
- if either of you have been sterilized,
How does In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) work?
- Some people preserved their eggs and sperms prior to the marriage or when they have cancer as chemotherapy and radiotherapy can harm the fertility.
- Others, choose to use sperm or egg donor to avoid passing on inherited genetic disorders.
How long will it take for the procedure?
Normally, the patients have to wait for 15 to 20 days for the following steps:
- 1st – 2nd : Screening tests will be completed for the couple with the help of fertility specialist
- 2nd : Injection for ovarian stimulation will be given and the ovarian response will be monitored by ultrasonography with hormone test
- 12th – 14th : Egg retrieval is expected
- 19th day of the cycle : The embryo will be transferred
- For frozen cycle : The embryo can be transferred anytime after the 3rd week from the previous IVF
When to see a doctor?
The inability to conceive sometimes affects the mental health of the couple which is why the IVF has been invented, however, in Thailand, married couple must have official certificate of marriage (translated to English).
Do not wait until your condition lead you to suffer much. It is always better to prevent than to cure. So it is always recommended to seek help from a specialist.
Worry no more! As Alumurshidi Medical Agency is here to help you find the best and affordable IVF hospitals to create your dreamed family.
Call : +66822004040
Whatsapp : https://wa.me/66822004040