Are you tired of endless bullying due to acne scars?
It is definitely at some point in our lives, at the most inconvenient time, like we have special events to attend to, meeting a client, school activities and the like, acne just suddenly flare-up. And as this stubborn acne subsides, eventually the scars are left behind for a long time which causes the individual to lose self-esteem.
Sometimes, this leads to mental health, anxiety, isolation, depression and puts people’s lives on hold.
Why suffer if a way to resolve this has been invented?
PicoWay is commonly used for tattoo removal but has been popular for acne scar treatment due to its very high power but intensely short duration pulses. These hyper-short laser pulses, also known as “picoseconds” (smaller than a nanosecond) renew and bring the glow back to your cheeks.
Benefits of PicoWay
- Targets the pigments to disable the visibility to the naked eye
- Improve acne scar, wrinkles in just 15 to 20 minutes
- Reaches underneath the skin surface
- Less side effect
PicoWay Result
PicoWay result depends on the skin of the patients
- Some can see the result in just a single session
- Some can show effect after 3 sessions. This is recommended to get a significant improvement.
Other ways for skin care treatment
For more details and inquiries, please contact us:
Call : +66822004040
Whatsapp : https://wa.me/66822004040