Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) is a condition when a person takes more time and effort to move food or liquid from mouth to the stomach. Sometimes, it is associated with pain and swallowing is impossible. This can occur at any age but is more common to adults. What are the causes? Causes of difficulty in swallowing is…

“Scars are tattoos with better stories.” This saying implies that having a scar which is caused not by tattoos is better like having a surgery especially when the reason is treating your cancer. Surgery is the traditional way to treat cancer patients which is still used by most of the hospitals today. Sometimes, even the…

Esophageal cancer occurs when cancer cells develop in the esophagus, a tube-like structure that runs from the throat to the stomach through the esophagus. The cancer starts at the inner layer of the esophagus and can spread throughout the other layers of the esophagus and to other parts of the body (metastasis). Symptoms Signs and…