VASER Liposuction and Traditional Liposuction are two different method of liposuction. To further know the variation, we will discuss in this article:
1.VASER Liposuction stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance.
- this is a type of liposuction
- a more controlled and gentle kind of cosmetic procedure
- allows for more precision in the fat removal process
- not a tool to remove large fat deposits
- removing small fat deposits to reveal muscle tone underneath
- would not redefine your entire physique, but it can refine your figure in small, impactful ways
- considered a more controlled and gentle kind of cosmetic procedure
- take your body sculpting results one step further
- uses advanced ultrasound technology
2. Traditional Liposuction
- will reduce stomach fat and help you achieve your ideal appearance
- a long-time procedure to dislodge and remove fat cells
- basic method of fat removal is being used
Targeted areas for treatment
1.VASER Liposuction
- upper back
- waistline and stomach
- hips and thighs
- buttocks
- arms
- chest
- chin and neck
2. Traditional Liposuction
- Chest and back
- Hips and thighs
- Chin and neck
- Abdomen
- Upper arms
- Buttocks
- Calves and ankles
What are the common side effects after days of these two procedure?
- loose skin that doesn’t fuller adhere
- pain and aching
- bruising and bleeding
Benefits of Liposuction:
- permanently removes fat cells
- a safe removal of fat
- can improve health
- improves appearance
- boost your confidence
- not a time-consuming procedure
Basically, the two procedures are both used to remove fats in human body, so now that we know the difference between VASER Liposuction vs. Traditional Liposuction and if you happen to think that you are losing confidence due to your stubborn fats, Almurshidi Medical Agency is here to provide you the best hospitals and doctors in Bangkok.
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