Restore Confidence, bring the masculine in you! Transform your upper body.
Surgical Correction of over developed or enlarged breast in men.

GYNECOMASTIA, MALE BREAST REDUCTION in BANGKOK, THAILAND is the most effective known treatment for enlarged male breasts. This cosmetic surgery procedure removes excess fat and glandular tissue to restore a flatter, firmer and more masculine contour to the chest.

Due to genetics, use of certain medications, or other unspecified reasons, some men develop the appearance of enlarged breasts. Gynecomastia can present at any age, and male breast reduction can be performed safely and successfully on teenagers and adult men alike.

While losing weight can help reduce the appearance of male breasts for some men, often times there is excess glandular tissue as well, causing even very lean patients to notice enlarged breasts. Patients commonly say they feel comfortable going shirtless for the first time in years, and report an enhanced sense of self-confidence.

If you are uncomfortable or self-conscious about the appearance of your chest, or if you find yourself avoiding certain activities because you are afraid to show your chest, male breast reduction is an option to consider. With the help of a qualified cosmetic surgeon, the procedure offers dramatic, near immediate improvements with minimal scarring.

Gynecomastia, Male breast reduction results are meant to be permanent – the excess fat, glandular tissue and skin removed are gone for good. However, it’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Significant weight gain, steroid use, or certain medical conditions could result in a recurrence of gynecomastia. Additionally, drugs that influence testosterone levels could also affect your results.

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