If you’ve got too much excess skin in your abdomen that doesn’t respond to diet a or exercise, you may be considering a “TUMMY TUCK” which doctors call “abdominoplasty.”
Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty flattens the abdomen by removing extra fat and skin, and tightening muscles in your abdominal wall.
A tummy tuck is suitable for men and women who are in good health.
Women who have had several pregnancies may find the procedure useful for tightening their abdominal muscles and reducing skin.
A tummy tuck is also an option for men or women who were once obese and still have excess fat deposits or loose skin around the belly.
The first step is to choose a surgeon and see him or her for a consultation. At that meeting, you’ll talk about your goals and the following options:
- Complete abdominoplasty. The surgeon will cut your abdomen from hipbone to hipbone and then contour the skin, tissue, and muscle as needed. The surgery will involve moving your belly button, and you may need drainage tubes under your skin for a few days.
- Partial or mini abdominoplasty. Mini-abdominoplasties are often done on people whose fat deposits are located below the navel. During this procedure, the surgeon most likely will not move your belly button, and the procedure may only take up to two hours, depending on your case.
If you smoke, your doctor will ask that you quit smoking from at least two weeks before the surgery until two weeks after the surgery. It is not enough to just cut down on smoking. You must stop completely since smoking makes complications more likely and slows healing.
Don’t try a drastic diet before the surgery. Eat well-balanced, complete meals. A healthy diet may help you heal better.
Tell your doctor about everything you take, including prescriptions, drugs, herbal medicines, and other supplements. Your surgeon may instruct you to stop taking certain medications for a time before and after the surgery.
Before getting the surgery, get your home ready. You’ll need:
- Ice packs
- Loose, comfortable clothing that can be put on and off very easily
- Petroleum jelly
- Hand-held shower head and bathroom chair
You’ll also need someone to drive you home after the tummy tuck. If you live alone, you’ll want someone to stay with you for at least the first night. Make a plan for that.
For more information: almurshidi.medical@gmail.com or line/instagram: almurshidiMED or whats app: +66 822 004 040