Fast, Painless, Minimal Invasive and Hormone-free Treatment!
An Improvement in Vaginal Health , Fulfilling confidence and returning to intimacy.
Gain your Confidence Back! Feel Young, Feel feminine!
We offer this Non-surgical-in-office procedure that uses laser technology to improve intimate wellness!
This treatment is recommended to women with advanced age usually face some gynecologic-related conditions strongly linked to hormonal changes e.g. vagina turning dark, loose or dry vagina causing pain during sexual intercourse and urinary incontinence, especially while coughing or sneezing, burning sensation, itching, enlarged vagina, loss of elasticity and tone, and post menopausal intimate issues.
These problems largely affect everyday life and activities, eventually resulting in poor quality of life. “Vaginal laser treatment” is an advanced technology in rejuvenation used to treat gynecologic problems associated with menopause/post menopause symptoms.
Vaginal laser treatment is an effective alternative for women with vaginal problems. Not only achieving cosmetic advantages, the advancements in vaginal laser treatment can also greatly improve self-confidence in women’s daily life.
For more details contact us now!
email: Almurshidi.medical@gmail.com
line/instagram/twitter: almurshidimed
whats app: +66 822 004 040