Reaching a milestone number of 2400 Patients, Almurshidi Medical Agency has surpassed its expected growth margin for this year. The company has doubled the number of serviced customers within a short period of time. This rapid growth is as a result of the company’s partnership with more than 15 hospitals, clinics, and medical centers around Thailand. It is also due to the quality of our customer care, relaxed environment and professional staff. All at the full disposal of our beloved clients.
Servicing 2400 of customers in a year is a gratifying experience and we’re inspired to devote ourselves even more to all those in need of assistance as they undergo medical treatment in Thailand. We take great pride in our ability to render quality service as we hold our customers hand all the way from the first contact right up to final treatment. Our agency, makes sure your medical and cosmetic treatment is as pleasant as can be.
In 2009, Deloitte predicted that over one and a half million U.S. patients would be traveling abroad for medical care, with a 35% increase over the next several years. These numbers are for the U.S alone not mentioning other countries. A member of the Almurshidi Medical Agency staff said ‘’ The motto of our dedicated staff is the needs of the customer always comes first, and on our company Moto are ‘’ Excellence, Every Patient, Every time’’’ and we live by it.
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